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Fighting Fire with Fire: How Firefighting Applies to Web Projects

At first glance, firefighting and web projects may seem worlds apart, but many of the core principles from the fire service can be applied to our work at Digital Wave (DW) and help ensure success in both realms.

Two people working together at a desk.

Working With and Managing SMEs

Subject matter experts (SMEs) are invaluable when it comes to writing content for many types of web projects. SMEs are the...

Tailoring Courses to be More Inclusive and Relatable

A learner-centric course is a paradigm shift where we think of our learners as active participants versus passive ones.

A girl looking and pointing at herself in a mirror

Holding Up a Mirror to Our Old Writing Habits

How web writers’ natural tendencies work against their intended goals

Guiding Students in a Pandemic – How Can COVID-19 Web Content Help?

“I can’t afford it anymore.”“It’s not worth it.”“I don’t know where I’ll end up.” Due to COVID-19, projecting student enrollment for...

If They Don’t Understand You, Talk Louder

The labels we use on our websites can have a huge impact on user acceptance. When we use terms that are not familiar to our users, we can make them feel like outsiders, and make our web content look more difficult than it really is.

Putting User Priorities First – Should You Do It Now, or Wait Until Someone Gets Burned?

Website writers, much like coffee cup writers, can let their own agenda get in the way of user priorities.

Ten New Year’s Resolutions for Web Writers

I’ve identified some common bad habits among web writers. Break them and more user-focused content could be yours.

I Thought It Was a Masterpiece Until My Boss Found a Way to Improve It

Survey results show that diplomates usually don’t seek topical, newsy content on their board website; rather, they come with the intention to accomplish a certain task.